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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Apple Sues Amazon Over App Store Name    [ 22-03-2011 20:36 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by:    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You would think that with Amazon opening the doors on its new app store for Android that all eyes would be firmly on Amazon, but no the attention has turned to Apple! It all centres around that staple of the tech industry, the lawsuit!

Amazon's store will be offering Android apps, such as Angry Birds Rio, which is free at the moment by the way, and you might wonder where Apple fits into all of this. Well Apple doesn't have a beef with the content so much as the name of the store. You see Apple's own app store is called the Apple App Store and Amazon's new Android store is called the 'Appstore'. Hence the litigation.

This isn't the first time Apple have gotten grumpy over people trying to make the term 'App Store' generic. There was a bit of a spat recently between Apple and Microsoft over the term with Microsoft arguing that it was indeed generic and thus could be used by anyone whilst Apple countered that it was about as generic as the term 'Windows'.

The complaint filed by Apple reads:

Amazon has begun improperly using Apple's App Store mark in connection with Amazon's mobile-software developer programme.

Like most tech lawsuits this one will probably run for a while although Apple does seem pretty touchy on the subject so it might not end in the usual 'let's strike a compromise' resolution that most do

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: More Wierd Xperia Play Adverts    [ 22-03-2011 19:57 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Sony Ericsson     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Xperia Play adverts have been ... well they've been creepy and to be honest a bit wierd and Sony Ericsson shows no sign of stopping in their latest adverts for their new gaming handset. Check them out below.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Opera Releasing New Mini, Mobile and TV Browsers    [ 22-03-2011 18:13 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Opera     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Opera is still busily working on its set of popular browsers even if you may not have heard much from them of late. They're releasing new versions of Opera Mini and Opera Mobile, versions 6 and 11 respectively.

The new versions bring the browsers up to speed for the modern smartphone age with features like pinch to zoom, interfaces more suited to tablets, improved sharing functionality and a new browser version for TVs. There are also new tools being made available for devs looking to create apps for Opera TVs.

If you are too lazy to actually go and download a version yourself to try it out just check out the videos below:

Rating: Rating: 3

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Steve Jobs Ordered To Provide Information In Anti-Trust Case    [ 22-03-2011 16:47 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Bloomberg     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple is no stranger to litigation having been involved in many a legal wrangle over the years including some of its own doing (as in the recent Amazon suit) and now a case filed back in 2005 looks set to draw in Steve Jobs himself.

Jobs has been ordered by a federal judge to answer questions relating to a 2005 anti-trust suit that alleges Apple's iTunes business held a monopoly on digital music downloads. The court wants information from Jobs relating to changes Apple made to its iPod products back in 2004 that prevented RealNetworks music files from working on them.

Jobs is of course on medical leave from Apple although, and unlike last time he took medical leave, he remains the company's CEO

Rating: Rating: 4

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Sprint CEO Says AT&T - T-Mobile Deal Will Stifle Innovation    [ 22-03-2011 15:27 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: WSJ     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The proposed merger between AT&T and T-Mobile USA has, as was to be expected, ruffled a few feathers amongst the competition. Dan Hesse, Sprint's CEO, was sounding off about the deal at the CTIA event earlier today and he was none too pleased at the prospect.

Hesse's concern is that the deal would create two large monolithic networks, which between them would control almost 80% of the American wireless market. That would leave his company a rather distant third in terms of marketshare. Hesse felt that the deal would ultimately be harmful to customers with innovation being stifled and with two large networks controlling so much they would be in a better position to dominate the market between them.

Verizon's CEO, Daniel Mead, was less than bellicose about the deal appearing almost disinterested even simply stating that "We're observing what's going on. We're not going to get distracted by this".

On the other side of the coin AT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega was of course defending the deal, claiming that it would help to address what he said was a shortage of spectrum in the U.S. as 4G networks are starting to come online.

These are just the opening shots though, the deal is expected to take around a year to finalise and there will no doubt be many a regulatory hurdle to cross in that time not to mention more voices shouting it down

Rating: Rating: 4

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